It’s Not Easy Bein’ Green

Anne Ready LOS ANGELES – Whether you’re socially-conscious Kermit the Frog. Or inexperienced with being one-on-one to a camera… Photo courtesy of The Guardian  It’s not as easy to be on-camera talent as broadcast journalists make it look! Talking to a camera lens or a desktop computer as though it was a person is not easy or natural. But with …

The Right to Vote and to be Voted For

Less than a hundred years ago … a married women couldn’t own property, had no legal claim to any money she might earn and no woman in America had the right to vote! According to “Women were expected to focus on housework and motherhood (presumably in that order) not politics.” Not until the summer of 1920, was the 19th amendment …

Do Your Homework

It is commonly believed that a strength that goes too far can become a weakness. Megyn Kelly is well known for her brash, “take no prisoners,” opinionated approach. But on her own Halloween show, she didn’t do her homework enough to know the history of blackface. She asked, “What is racist? Do you get in trouble if you’re a white …