Rubio’s Robotic Repeats

“It’s a good thing to stay on message until it’s not” wrote Forbes’ Magazine contributor, John Baldoni in response to Marco Rubio’s 4-time robotic repetition of the phrase ” Let’s dispel this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s trying to change America.” Every public speaker should get in touch with …

Trumped Up

In the game of bridge, when you don’t have enough cards in the suit that’s being played, the trump card wins. And Donald Trump appears to be winning in the Republican presidential race of 2016. But he’s not playing well with others or winning the media game that is ultimately required in presidential politics. Following Mr. Trump’s complaints of Fox News …

A painful Holiday commercial

In the Hippocratic Oath, doctors promise to first “do no harm.” Advertisers should give their brands and consumers the same care. In last season’s holiday commercial, Coca-Cola insensitively and inadvertently harmed their brand.  Opening with a bucolic view of the indigenous community of Totontepec in Oaxaca, Mexico; the Spanish text proclaimed that 81.6% of Mexico’s indigenous people feel marginalized because Spanish is …