FORE…Guns & Golf Clubs

Guns & Golf Clubs

A National Rifle Association spokesperson was quoted as making a case for guns with “[a gun is] a recreational tool like a golf club or a tennis racket. You can kill someone with a golf club, you know!”

When considering a soundbite, consider the audience you’re attempting to reach and/or persuade. This spokesperson was trying to make a point. That, for some, guns are recreational. But this quote sounds perfectly ludicrous to the enthusiasts whose sporting equipment, even in the wrong hands, is not used for murder. The secret is, don’t let the media surprise you by catching you unprepared. Be READY FOR MEDIA by crafting your soundbites in advance to accurately reflect your position and sensitivity to a broader audience. 

This is just one of the Media Mistakes Not to Make mentioned in Anne Ready’s latest book from Career Press. Find Off the Cuff and learn more about What to Say at a Moment’s Notice at READY FOR MEDIA‘s site:


What to say at a moments notice