When is a customer not a customer?

Do you have to be a paying customer to receive customer service? Recently, two African American men were escorted out of a Starbucks in Philadelphia. They asked for the restroom and occupied a table in the store, although, they hadn’t made a purchase. Calling the police on them seemed extreme. Many questioned  whether kicking these men out was simply company protocol or racial injustice. …

Finding Workarounds that Work

Workarounds that Work. Past READY FOR MEDIA client and author Russell Bishop’s recent book explains that a “workaround” is working around something or someone to deal successfully with a problem that prevents you from achieving your aim. With a disarmed Congress, corporate America is taking aim at the NRA. Now, that’s customer service! Dick’s Sporting Goods, founded in 1948 by …

Gloria Steinem: Never Not Controversial

Know your Audience. In a struggle to re-invent itself, Lands’ End featured an interview with feminist Gloria Steinem (notable for her work in abortion and reproductive rights) in its “Legends” catalog, before considering the audience. The company, popular for its khakis and primary-colored knit sweaters, contracts with many Catholic schools for uniforms and the catalog reached students’ homes. Generating much anti-abortion criticism and many …