New Year, New Media


It’s already a week into 2014. To remind us of why we made those New Year’s Resolutions, here is a look back at a few media mishaps of 2013!


In March 2013, a National Rifle Association spokesperson was quoted as making a case for guns with …

“It [a gun] is a recreational tool like a golf club or a tennis racket. You can kill someone with a golf club, you know!”

Guns & Golf Clubs

Tip for the New Year: Remember that off-hand remarks to the media often hurt more than help. Be READY FOR MEDIA by crafting your soundbites in advance to accurately reflect your position and sensitivity to a broader audience.


In July 2013, Clorox committed a communications faux pas when they published an insulting essay comparing new dads to dogs stating …

“while dads, dogs and other household pets are filled with good intentions, they lack the judgment and fine motor skills to execute well.”

 clorox father

Tip for the New Year: The Internet is an edgy place. But don’t commit a lack of judgment and break the #1 Rule of Public Speaking and Social Media: Know your audience!


In August 2013, The Dr. Phil Show posted a question on twitter, which read …

“If a girl is drunk, is it OK to have sex with her? Reply yes or no to @drphil #teensaccused.”


Instead of answers, disapproving tweets circled the twittersphere expressing anger at the host for suggesting that “it might be OK to have sex with someone without consent.” One tweet even posed a return question: “If Dr. Phil is drunk, is it okay for him to tweet?”



Tip for the New Year: Social media sites allow for quick conversations with audiences. However, controversial statements/questions can and often do backfire! Be sure to carefully craft messages that won’t offend.


So, as you begin to follow through on your Resolutions for 2014, keep these in mind and have a Happy New Year!